Collapsing World
The world are collapsing with our distorted life style and thoughs. What if when shooting the photograph capture our surreal world or the image refrects our minds and thoughts?
In the collapsing world series, using mainly photo- graphs of architecture, flowers and trees, and land- scapes, and human to destort the image by using algo- rithm which is researched as a method of designing and fabrication of architecture.
By applying this formula of algorithm, the photograph image projects a new dimension ot time. Distortion is a time of the layer that covers the picture which was taken in the past suggest the future as if to make reality surreal.
I use water for the exhibition installation. The picture seems to float on the water surface due to the refrac- tion of light, making the picture an illusion as if it is distorted by the flickering of the water surface. By giving a sense of incompatibility to the eyes, I aimed the viewer to fix in the inside of him/herself the gaps caused by the vision.
Water means to purify distorted consciousness and the collapsing world. Everything is in the circle of the eternal universe.
*Algorithmic program by Micheal Casey Rhem